
Just A Thought Or Two

Recently I had a chat with a couple of patients, and they mentioned that what I said was helpful. So, I thought I’d share these thoughts in a general forum, such as this one.

1. Consider first your true beliefs and where your faith rests. The first part of this relates to thinking about an outcome. The context I had brought this up in was with children. The basic point is a simple one. When you look at a situation, for example, a concern about a child’s mental development, what YOU really think, believe and perhaps fear is going to happen is important in the outcome. Looking at this in a brutally honest way, you risk inadvertently transferring those truest beliefs of yours onto your child, such that the outcome you really feared, happens. For example, if you often enough repeated to a teenager, “Carry on like that and you’ll be in jail by the time you’re 18.” You know what’s going to happen – they’ll be in jail by their 18th birthday. And as much as it’s the repeating mention of it, if you really mean it, and feel it, you’ll somehow be complicit in making it happen. Whatever your true, honest belief is, wherever you put your faith, you steer life in that direction. Be totally true about your own beliefs and where your faith lies, before trying to affect anything outside of yourself.

Coming back to the point of children, they need to feel your honest belief and faith in them. That guides them. There’s an aspect of unconditional love that comes through when children know you really do believe and have faith in them as a person. No strings attached. That you believe they’re a good person, and that ultimately they’ll shine. If you don’t really believe that about your own child, whatever your alternative belief is, you’ll aid and abet it.

This same concept of questioning your true belief and where your faith truly lies can be equally used for the goals you set in your life. You need to be brutally honest with yourself about these things and interrogate what you really think, before your ever start acting. Lest you’ll repeatedly gravitate in an unintended direction and never quite understand why. Mindset is everything when it comes to achieving a goal.

2. Personal development needs to ultimately be outward-focused and selfless. The endpoint of any personal development needs to be outward focusing, or else you’re stuck in a never-ending painful loop. The point being, to focus on yourself your whole life, could actually become a mental prison. Imagine walking into a party, or being in a meeting at work, and instead of being able to focus on, and indeed enjoy, the people around you, your focus gets solely occupied on yourself. How you are interacting, functioning, performing and feeling. It’s very daunting and creates a pressure cooker effect. The best outcome from personal development is the construction of a mental state that allows you to in fact forget yourself in the company of others, surrounded by life.

As I walk around, I understand that there are both inanimate objects (perhaps that were once alive) and there are living things that are changing, evolving, reproducing, and dying. Whatever I interact with, I want to enjoy. And to do that, I’ve learnt to put myself aside. That’s why often it’s said that immersing yourself in nature is good for mental health. The question is why? How? I would say that immersing yourself in nature, takes you down the same path of actually surrendering yourself to the things around you, and in the process, forgetting yourself. Finding yourself, by losing yourself.

To sum up the above, the eventual outcome of counselling and any form of personal development needs to be held firmly as a selfless pursuit. By all means, learn all these things about yourself, so that you may, in fact, be released from yourself, to forget yourself, to take yourself for granted and be able to enjoy the company of others and be there for the service of others. To learn about them and to empathise with them. This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s a privilege and sheer pleasure to forget yourself in the company of others. In doing so, enjoy the life brimming around you, and feel a oneness with that life.

I’m not sure if I’ve expressed my thoughts in writing as well as I may have in speaking, face to face, one on one. Nevertheless, I hope there’s still something there that will help your day.

The Impact Of Stress On High School Students

Stress can have an adverse effect on all of us, including high school students in whom heightened stress levels can affect academic performance. This can lead to poor attendance, decreased motivation, reduced concentration, and difficulty recalling information. In a survey conducted by Mission Australia in 2018, almost 31% of secondary students reported feeling overwhelmed by school workloads, and 22% admitted missing school because of stress.

Stress can negatively impact a student’s mental health and wellbeing. According to the Australian Psychological Society, approximately 25% of teenagers in Australia reported experiencing stress, with 45% citing school and study as the major source of stress. Prolonged stress can lead to increased chances of developing depression and anxiety, which can impact a student’s academic performance, social relationships, and physical health.

What about the physical consequences of stress? It can lead to sleep disturbances, headaches, digestive problems, and even a weakened immune system. The physical symptoms are widespread in secondary school students. With stress impacting teenagers on both a mental and physical aspect, it is easy to see how this would also impact a student’s social relationships, leading to decreased motivation and engagement in social activities.

Whilst exams are still some time away, it is important for parents and carers to identify and address the underlying causes of stress and provide support to help their kids manage their stress levels effectively. This will lead to happier and healthier kids who have their best chance to perform well come exam time.

Here are some ideas from Harvard University to help kids optimise their study time whilst also managing their stress:

  • Keep a journal
  • Exercise regular
  • Eat healthy, regular meals
  • Make sure you get enough sleep
  • Meditate
  • Limiting excess caffeine in soft drinks or coffee
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Make time to do fun things in between study

If you believe your kids are starting to show signs of test related anxiety click here. The following link provided is perfect for you as parents and carers to go through with your kids just before exams if you believe they are starting to show signs of test related anxiety.

Making Healthcare Accessible

To assist our patients in making healthcare more accessible, especially during recent COVID times, Atticus Health patients can now request a telehealth video call with their GP using the new Healthdirect Video Call platform at no additional cost to a regular telephone consult.

Healthdirect Video Call is a government-funded virtual health service that connects people to healthcare by overcoming the barriers of distance, time and cost. This service is at the forefront of telehealth technology.

This means that as an Atticus Health patient, you can now access care closer to home, saving travel time, money and risk of infection. It’s also reassuring to know that this service is built with advanced data protection, maintaining your privacy and confidentiality whilst leaving no digital footprints from any participants.

Our clinicians also benefit significantly from this as a preferred method of communication to telephone consultations, as it allows them to better interact and engage with their patients remotely.

The new Healthdirect Video Call platform is available at Atticus Health Highett, Jindivick, Hastings, Bittern, Hamilton Island and Somerville.

Do We Really Need Supplements?

Whilst the answer to this is often yes, it is not as straightforward as it might seem. Let’s understand why.

The supplementation industry has been skyrocketing since 2014, with more people than ever buying into the ideology of needing to supplement most vitamins and minerals. But do we really needs supplements?

Research has shown that many people are taking certain supplements unnecessarily. In Australia, there are some vitamins and minerals that are found to be frequently low across the population. These include; iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin A and magnesium.

Let’s hone in on vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”. Research from Curtin University has shown that up to 95 per cent of Australians have a low intake. Our bodies are very clever in that we can also manufacture vitamin D in our skin when it is exposed to sunlight. However, despite this, and also because we have rightly become conscious of avoiding sun exposure, up to 25 per cent of Australian adults are vitamin D deficient. This can lead to potentially serious implications for both our physical and psychological health especially as we move out of summer and closer to winter.

Vitamin D plays a key role in the absorption of calcium in the body, meaning the biggest issue with low levels over time, is that it puts our bone health at considerable risk. Other effects of vitamin D deficiency are low mood, feelings of fatigue, joint and muscle pain and muscle weakness.

Regular supplementation isn’t necessary for everybody. Your GP can assist you by discussing the benefits and risks of dietary supplements, organise investigations to see if certain supplements may help you, and direct you where to go for high-quality information.

Important Vaccinations For Those Aged 65+ To Keep You Well This Winter

As autumn starts to kick in, it’s worthwhile thinking ahead, at least a little bit.

To help you with this, we’re suggesting you consider the following vaccinations to help keep you well throughout the remainder of 2023, and beyond.

  1. Shingles vaccine. In a previous post, we discussed the shingles, which is the recurrence of the same viral infection that causes the chickenpox (https://atticushealth.com.au/shingles-are-on-the-rise/). There are two vaccines to choose from Zostavax and Shingrix. The good news is, Zostavax is provided free of charge by the Government to anyone 70 – 79 years of age. This program is presently in place until October 2023. Zostavax is generally available at our clinics, with supply sometimes limited. Shingrix requires a prescription for private purchase from your local pharmacy.
  2. Pneumococcal vaccine. This protects against a bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, which can cause severe pneumonia (a lung infection) or even meningitis (a brain infection). Once again, there are two versions of this vaccine, with one having broader cover. Anyone aged 70 years and over is eligible to receive one dose of the basic cover vaccine. Anyone with other significant risk factors is eligible through the government program to receive two doses of the version with the broader coverage, given five years apart. Both versions of the vaccine are generally available at our clinics, with supply sometimes limited.
  3. Influenza vaccine. This is a yearly vaccine to protect against getting the flu, which can be very severe for some. The vaccine is free to those aged 65 years and above. It is generally available from mid-April to fend against the peak influenza season which is typically June to September.
  4. COVID-19 Booster vaccine. This is recommended for people aged 65 years and over and is presently available at the clinics. After receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, you should wait a minimum of 7 days before receiving any other vaccine.

Note that Zostavax, the shingles vaccine, is a live vaccine. This means that it can be given at the same time as the pneumococcal or influenza vaccines. However, if not given at the same time as the shingles vaccine, then the pneumococcal or influenza vaccinations should be given a minimum of 4 weeks after the shingles vaccine.

This is a helpful link to information about all the vaccines on the current national immunisation schedule


What does this all practically mean?

Life’s all about risks and benefits. This is true of vaccinations. For the average person aged 65 years and over, avoiding getting COVID-19, the shingles, pneumonia or the flu is worth it. Therefore, in general, it’s worthwhile considering the above vaccines. Given that it is now early March, starting 7 days after your COVID-19 booster, we suggest you consider having the shingles and pneumococcal vaccinations at the same time. This way, in 4 weeks, you will be able to have the influenza vaccine. Alternatively, you could consider having the shingles vaccine only now, followed by the influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in 4 weeks.

We’ve tried to make this as simple as it can be. Nevertheless, our staff are here to guide you. That’s what we’re here for. So please do book in to speak to your doctor or one of our nurses about having your vaccinations brought up to date.

Remember, we do bulk bill all consultations for patients 65 years and over who hold a valid pension card.

Stay well ?

Vaccinations play an important role in the effort towards “preventative health”. To all our patients, we look forward to helping you stay as well as you can right now, throughout winter, and beyond.

Best wishes
