
Prioritising Sexual Health Measures

Maintaining good health is crucial at every stage of life, and early adulthood is an ideal time to establish healthy habits that will benefit individuals for years to come.

In Australia, various preventive health measures can help individuals aged 20-35 to proactively preserve their wellbeing and by understanding and implementing these measures, we can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases. Now of course there are the basics, participate in regular physical activity of moderate intensity, consume a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables and get regular health checks. But, there is another item you can add to your checklist; practising safe sex and regular STI (sexually transmitted infections) testing.

Prioritising sexual health measures is a vital component of preventive health measures. Practising safe sex by using condoms, discussing sexual health with partners, and getting regular STI tests are essential for overall wellbeing. Sexual health checks are an essential aspect of maintaining overall wellbeing and ensuring a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. These annual check-ups, often conducted by healthcare professionals, can encompass a range of tests that help identify and address various STIs and other related concerns. While many people may feel hesitant or uncomfortable about getting tested, the benefits far outweigh any temporary discomfort or embarrassment.

One of the primary advantages of regular sexual health checks is the early detection of STIs. Many of these infections may not show any noticeable symptoms initially, or their symptoms may be mistaken for other ailments. By undergoing routine tests, individuals can detect and treat infected conditions at an early stage, before they progress and cause severe complications or spread to others. Early diagnosis enables timely intervention and reduces the risk of long-term health issues.

Furthermore, sexual health checks provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss their sexual practices and concerns with healthcare professionals. These healthcare providers are knowledgeable and non-judgmental, offering a safe space for discussing confidential information. Whether it involves questions about contraception, sexual dysfunction, or engaging in high-risk activities, having an open and honest conversation can lead to appropriate guidance, education, and preventive measures.

If you would like to book an appointment to get a sexual health check or discuss confidential information, click here.

Making A Difference

As a company, we strive to continue making a difference in helping older persons live independently at home, integrating health and social services. Recently our efforts with this were recognised by the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN), who have awarded Atticus Health a tender to deliver Early Interventions for Healthy Ageing in the inner-city area of Melbourne. Commencing in July 2023, this project will allow us to help particularly vulnerable groups of older persons including those from LGBTQI+ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds.

By establishing a team comprising a Care Manager, Community Liaison Person and GP, we will conduct patient home visits, incorporating telehealth along the way. The project will breathe life into “Mobile GP” , a niche service Atticus Health has been developing for some time in the background.

A big thank you to the NWMPHN for supporting Mobile GP. We look forward to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable older persons around Melbourne City.

Substance Abuse Among Men

Let’s talk about a serious issue that is affecting the health and wellbeing of our country – substance abuse among men. In Australia in 2021, among men, there were 1,069 drug-induced deaths and 1,156 alcohol-induced deaths, according to the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare. These are concerning numbers, and it’s important that we take steps to address this issue within our communities.

What is substance abuse?

Substance abuse refers to the harmful use of alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, and other substances. It can lead to negative health outcomes, relationship difficulties, and problems at work. Substance abuse can also cause mental health problems and even lead to addiction and overdose, which can be fatal.

Why is it a problem among Australian men?

Unfortunately, substance abuse is prevalent among men in Australia, who are more likely to binge drink or use multiple substances at once. Additionally, men are less likely to seek help when they are struggling with substance abuse.

What can be done about it?

There are a number of steps that can be taken to address substance abuse among men. Firstly, it’s important for men to understand the risks associated with substance abuse and to be aware of the warning signs. These include changes in behavior or mood, a decline in performance at work, and relationship problems.

Secondly, reaching out for help is crucial. There are many services available that can provide support and guidance to men struggling. DirectLine offers confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral in Victoria.

The bottom line

Substance abuse is a serious problem among Australian men, but it’s not something that has to be faced alone. There are many resources available to help men overcome addiction and improve their health and wellbeing. So, let’s work together to raise awareness of this issue and encourage men to seek out the services they need to make a positive change in their lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, see your GP for a referral, or call the Family Drug Helpline on 1300 660 068 for more information, or over the phone advice and support.

Feedback, Recognition and Rewards

In a previous article, I’ve written about the sequence of habit formation, this is:

1. Cue/trigger (conscious/unconscious)

2. Feeling (automatic emotion)

3. Behaviour

4. Reward

We’re now going to focus on the point 4, the reward and the importance of it particularly with reference to changing health behaviour. We’ll also consider the very related topics of feedback and recognition, that come just before.

Firstly, when we undertake any activity, be it in or out of work, it’s really helpful to know how we’re going. That’s to say, when a tennis player hits a ball and it lands in the court, they know things have gone ok. When a musician plays a note and it sounds like the correct one, they know. And when the balls out, or the note is wrong, they know, rather instantaneously. Moment to moment. By contrast, when we’re trying to reach a goal in other facets of our lives beyond sport or music, it’s sometimes hard to know if you’re getting closer – if you’re progressing. It’s very useful to set up little pieces of feedback that you can take stock of, that indicate you are in fact progressing. This will help you propel yourself in the right direction.

Having set up the method of feedback that allows you to know that you are moving towards your goal, when you get that feedback, stop and recognise it. This real recognition, for you or someone else, based on something objective, means a lot. Acknowledgement. Public appreciation. Recognise yourself, recognise others, but base it on something real – feedback.

Beyond this, go further than recognition and actually reward yourself and others when the feedback measures you’ve set up indicate that you’ve moving towards your goal. Celebrate, in a small way (or in a big way). Stop and take a breath in, enjoy your reward. After all, you’re getting there!

By doing these things, feedback, recognition and rewards, you will reinforce a direction of travel you’re seeking to take, and hopefully, with enough repetition, make any newly forged path of success an ongoing habit.

Finally on the point of goal setting, I’d caution having goals that are too big without setting some bite size parts, let’s call them “outcomes”. An outcome is almost like a “mini goal” being reached, and every time you reach an outcome, you’ll know that you are getting closer to your ultimate goal. That way, you can dream as big as you want, shoot for the stars, and still enjoy the feeling of packets of success along the journey.

As we commence the second half of 2023, I wish all our readers every success in striving to reach your personal goals, particularly when it comes to your health. Remember to enjoy and have a little bit of fun along the way. And, if you need any help, we’re always here. Indeed, helping you identify and reach your goals IS our goal!