March 27, 2023|Health

The Impact Of Stress On High School Students

Stress can have an adverse effect on all of us, including high school students in whom heightened stress levels can affect academic performance. This can lead to poor attendance, decreased motivation, reduced concentration, and difficulty recalling information. In a survey conducted by Mission Australia in 2018, almost 31% of secondary students reported feeling overwhelmed by school workloads, and 22% admitted missing school because of stress.

Stress can negatively impact a student’s mental health and wellbeing. According to the Australian Psychological Society, approximately 25% of teenagers in Australia reported experiencing stress, with 45% citing school and study as the major source of stress. Prolonged stress can lead to increased chances of developing depression and anxiety, which can impact a student’s academic performance, social relationships, and physical health.

What about the physical consequences of stress? It can lead to sleep disturbances, headaches, digestive problems, and even a weakened immune system. The physical symptoms are widespread in secondary school students. With stress impacting teenagers on both a mental and physical aspect, it is easy to see how this would also impact a student’s social relationships, leading to decreased motivation and engagement in social activities.

Whilst exams are still some time away, it is important for parents and carers to identify and address the underlying causes of stress and provide support to help their kids manage their stress levels effectively. This will lead to happier and healthier kids who have their best chance to perform well come exam time.

Here are some ideas from Harvard University to help kids optimise their study time whilst also managing their stress:

  • Keep a journal
  • Exercise regular
  • Eat healthy, regular meals
  • Make sure you get enough sleep
  • Meditate
  • Limiting excess caffeine in soft drinks or coffee
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Make time to do fun things in between study

If you believe your kids are starting to show signs of test related anxiety click here. The following link provided is perfect for you as parents and carers to go through with your kids just before exams if you believe they are starting to show signs of test related anxiety.

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