Telehealth services are consultations between a health or medical practitioner and a patient, conducted on the phone or via a video call rather than in person.

Phone or video consultations can be very useful in situations where in-person assessment or treatment is not required. For those with limited mobility or remotely located, it can be much more efficient than attending a clinic.

Currenlty, all Atticus Health patients are being encourage to have Telehealth appointments where an in person consult is not essential.  We are also undertaking Telehealth appointments for all Covid-19 testing patients to determine if a patient is exhibiting symptoms before being tested.

Learn more about our Covid-19 carpark testing clinics at Hastings and Highett.

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Why use Telehealth?

Telehealth is being used successfully throughout the world, and proving to be a simple, cost effective and time-saving way for patients to connect with a GP, especially during this coronavirus pandemic where we are being asked to stay home and minimise social interaction.


How does it work?

Book online at
or call us on 1300 268 4319

We will make an appointment with your preferred GP or the next available Telehealth appointment. At the appointed time, our GP will contact you via your preferred phone number and will initiate a voice or video call depending upon your preference and your device capability.


How does payment work?

Payment is taking at the time of booking on the Doctor In My Pocket website.


Is a telehealth consultation right for me?

We are now offering Telehealth phone consultations with all of our trusted, local GPs and we are working to increase availability of our Telehealth service as the need arises.

Some health and medical needs will require a face to face consultation with your doctor. If you’re not sure if this is the case for you, please contact us on 1300 268 4319 to discuss your needs.