November 24, 2018|Atticus

Do you remember your first kiss?

The butterflies in your tummy, the nervous excitement? A moment in time that was just about that moment, that experience, how you felt and all you were focused on was the present. As time goes on these moments of pure excitement can unfortunately get lost. As we grow we have other different and beautiful moments throughout our life that can pass us by, if we’re not focusing as they’re happening. We are not present.

Do you remember your first kiss?

The butterflies in your tummy, the nervous excitement? A moment in time that was just about that moment, that experience, how you felt and all you were focused on was the present. As time goes on these moments of pure excitement can unfortunately get lost. As we grow we have other different and beautiful moments throughout our life that can pass us by, if we’re not focusing as they’re happening. We are not present.

Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life, and unfortunately during the upcoming holiday period that can increase significantly. The pressures of Holidays, Christmas, family trips away and back to school costs can be overwhelming. These feelings of stress can prevent us from appreciating important things, like your family enjoying and savouring a delicious meal you cooked. Sadly stressful thoughts such as “When should I start dessert, did they like the meal, I hope everyone likes dessert, clean-up will take forever” can cloud these moments, we’re always thinking ahead.

Four A’s Stress Management Technique:

*Avoid – Simply avoiding stress is a great management technique, though not always applicable
*Alter – Take inventory and try to change your situation
*Accept – Sometimes we can’t change things, accept, forgive, talk to someone, practice positive self-talk
*Adapt – Adapt your expectations, reframe an issue or look at the bigger picture

This year, during the upcoming holiday months take some time for yourself, for your health and your stress management, don’t wait until stress damages your health, relationships or quality of life. Start stress management with an Atticus Health GP so you can enjoy your life in the present. You may not experience your first kiss again, but you can learn to stop, breathe, enjoy and experience the present during a memorable moment, just like you did during your first kiss.

Happy Holidays, with love from Atticus Health.

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