February 23, 2023|From the Director

Start walking. Keep walking.

It’s still relatively early in the year, and some of us may be clinging to keeping up with a New Year’s resolution or two. I know I am!

One thing I’ve started doing this month though is walking. I usually walk for at least one hour a day. I must say, I owe the positive influence of my colleague Brett for this. One of his lifestyle routines that has rubbed off on me is his insatiable appetite for walking. I didn’t quite get it at first. Why isn’t he in the gym? Why isn’t he running? How boring. But no, I’m a convert.

The effects of my hourly walk have been astounding. To my mental health, my physical health and to my understanding of the suburbs around me. Nooks and crannies, a laneway here, a tree there. I’ve been awakened to the streets and I don’t know if I could ever turn back.

I walk pretty fast and often listen to an audiobook. Sometimes I break into a light jog. I try to walk in the morning and if I can’t do at least an hour, I go for a second brief walk when I come home.

Now I must admit, I’ve essentially got a desk job, so my day in between is very sedentary indeed. I don’t know if I’d be so keen to walk like this if my job was more manual and physically energetic. Nevertheless, my experience with becoming a regular walker has been lifechanging.

Such a simple thing, but so beneficial as a regular thing to do every day. And heck, the weather is perfect for it, at least in Melbourne at the moment. It feels very “gentle” on the body as well. Apart from walking into part of a brick fence, I can’t report any injuries!

If you can’t walk outside, for whatever reason, perhaps a treadmill at home would be something to consider. Whatever your situation, if you are at all able to walk, then I’d say have a go. Once again, it’s a simple thing. But as they say, the simple things in life are often the best, and in my experience at least, that’s been true for walking.

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