April 17, 2023|Fitness Lifestyle

Prioritise Your Health

We want to provide you with scientifically proven ways to prioritise your health, with the information distilled into bite-sized chunks.

Here’s the magic! Once you turn these cool little health hacks into achievable daily habits and do them consistently, you can create new pathways in the brain.

The first step in prioritising your health is starting the journey and putting it all into practice. The three main areas we will focus on are movement, nutrition and sleep.

Nutrition: Rice cracker energy boost
A turbo snack that will save you from hunger attacks. Just the right combination of carbs and fats to keep you fuelled-up and happy – and ready for anything. Plus it tastes epic!

Spread the nut butter all over the rice cake. Top with the sliced banana, honey chia and pumpkin seeds. A super-quick energy boost, ready in just minutes.

Serves 1
1 wholegrain rice cake
1 heaped tsp nut butter of your choice
1 small banana, thickly sliced
1/2 tsp honey
A pinch chia seeds
1 heaped tsp of crushed walnuts
1/2 tsp toasted pumpkin seeds

Journalling before sleep
The effects of sleep deprivation are greatly underestimated. A bad night’s sleep not only makes us feel tired, but can cause a whole host of health issues, both mental and physical.

For at least five minutes before going to bed, fill in your journal. Not tons of words, just a few bullet points at the end of the day. The effect can be huge, you will feel more focused and energised, even on days that don’t go so well…

It might sound a bit left-field, but research in the field of positive psychology has shown that writing a journal that has a gratitude element to it can:

    Make you happier
    Help you to handle change
    Make you calmer
    Help you sleep better
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