440 Frankston Dandenong Road, Bangholme, Victoria 3175
Our GPs are experts in health care and aged care, applying extensive health knowledge in a friendly and professional manner at our Atticus Health Bangholme GP Clinic. We are pleased to provide a continuity of medical services to the local residents of Willow Lodge by retaining a number of staff and introducing a number of our dedicated GPs including a specialist geriatrician.
Atticus Health Bangholme is pleased to offer its patients a weekly skin check clinic. The clinic has acquired exciting new screening technology and will be run by Dr Carl Fernandes who has a special interest in skin cancer prevention. Skin checks with Dr Carl are available anytime on Wednesdays and Fridays. Book your skin check appointment with Dr Carl Fernandes at Bangholme. Read more here.
4Cyte Pathology is now available at Atticus Health Bangholme.
4Cyte Pathology is one of Australia’s leading comprehensive medical laboratory and pathology services. Pathology services at Bangholme will be available Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9am -12pm. No appointment is required.
In addition to our GP and Aged Care services to the local residents, we will deliver a range of Workplace and Occupational Health services including return to work and pre-employment medicals. In addition to our standard service offerings, Atticus Health can customise a full workplace health program, utilising both GP and Physiotherapy health professionals, based on your company’s requirements.
Audiology appointments are available one day a month with our audiologist, Michelle Asperon. You can make a booking online here or call the clinic to book.
Learn more about Michelle Asperon and Atticus Audiology on the Atticus Audiology webpage.
Our podiatry service is offered by our podiatrist, David Lee. He is at the clinic every Monday. No GP referral is required for an appointment.
To learn more about our Podiatry services, visit our webpage.
If you are a new patient our telehealth service operates under Doctor in My Pocket. Telehealth appointments are not bulk billed. Patients will be billed at the clinic’s standard fees with Medicare rebates processed at the time of consultation.
You can also book telehealth appointments online with Doctor in My Pocket.
If you are a returning patient of Atticus Health (within the last 12 months) you can book to see a GP with video telehealth or normal telehealth by calling the clinic.
We welcome new patients to the practice.
We generally deal with all sorts of medical issues, however, if you have a particular need, please call us and we’re happy to discuss which practitioner or service might best be able to help you.
Here are a few tips to consider when making an appointment, so that you can get the greatest benefit from the experience:
make an appointment
Bangholme is a town located in a green wedge zone, just on the fringe of Dandenong South. The medical clinic is collocated with a large independent living village, Willow Lodge which was originally known to be Bangholme Caravan Park and has been present for over 40 years. The clinic started off primarily servicing the needs of the residents at Willow Lodge, many of whom have lived there for decades. However, over the years the clinic began to support the expanding industrial precinct of Dandenong South providing workplace health services. In addition to this, since Atticus Health Carrum is located conveniently 10 minutes up the road, and some doctors practice between the two sites, there are patients who come from there as well.
Dandenong itself is a massively growing city that has been humming along since the 1840s. The Dandenong post office was first opened on 1 July 1848 and the famed Dandenong Market began trading in 1866. Dandenong Creek has proved to be a great resource for the town and much grazing has occurred in the area in the past. The railway station opened 8 October 1877.
The success of Dandenong South in particular, as an industrial engine room of Australia continues to grow. In recent times, a direct rail freight between the Port of Melbourne and Dandenong South has received approval. This is set to create an inland port and it further bolsters the future capacity of the area.
Atticus Health Bangholme is excited and optimistic to be a part of this bright future and we look forward to collaborating with local industry to provide a safer, healthier working environment for all. And of course, we continue to gladly service the varied needs of the local resident population at Willow Lodge, a place we jointly share and love.
Well, I guess it all started in 2010 when I saw the old “Boatshed Café” for sale across the road from Carrum Station. The house behind the café was being sold with it. I took a walk down to the Patterson River, fell in love with the whole thing, signed away and thought, this is beautiful.
Business plan – what business plan?
– Dr Floyd Gomes, Founder
When it comes to healthcare, from the outset, we consider first the whole person or organisation, their goals and aspirations. A deep understanding of that allows for the best decisions and outcomes to be reached in partnership after all. With this mentality, we’ve been able to grow. Grow, yet stay humble, still.
The areas we have grown into reflect areas in which we think we can make a real difference and feel highly motivated to be involved with. These areas are:
Medical clinics. We run several GP clinics. This is where we started and continue to persevere, always striving for improvement.
Corporate health. We are happy to work with motivated workplaces to help maximise the health outcomes of their employee base. We consider that workplaces have relevance to and potential input in the health and well being of a community. We conduct our corporate health services with due independence and impartiality, yet at the same time seek to foster a mutual sense of purpose and transparent communication for the benefit of all parties.
Aged Care. We consider the frail and elderly to be particular members of the community who we have a responsibility to care for. From humble beginnings we have grown to supply GP services to nearly 1000 patients living in retirement villages and nursing homes around Melbourne. In particular we are the main provider of GP services to nursing homes on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. Within aged care, our mission is to deliver a 24/7 medical service. We coordinate this by accepting all calls anytime via 1800 ATTICUS (1800 288 4287). Through the cultivation of a strong reputation for quality and compassion over many years, we have seen this area of our business grow substantially.
Telehealth. By attending to matters in a flexible manner by the exchange of images or conversation digitally, we have grown accustomed to creating solutions remotely. This concept, “Telehealth”, does improve efficiency, accessibility and timeliness of health care. It is for this reason that we now offer telehealth services nationwide – it simply makes good sense.
One thing has remained constant throughout, that is, our commitment to getting to know and understand communities. As a provider of medical services, fundamentally we learn so much about the fabric of a community. We share in its ups and downs. As such, we feel compelled to promote deeper, meaningful community spirit. And, we recognise how great an impact this potentially and actually has on the outcomes of health – for the individual and for the collective. Our story then, is very much that of being one with the community.